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Member Services

Member Services

The service descriptions below offer a general overview of Assist America’s services.  The scope, terms and conditions set forth below may not apply to you. For the descriptions applicable to your enrollment, please consult with your plan administrator or contact Assist America directly.
  • Medical Consultation, Evaluation & Referral 
    The Assist America Operations Center is staffed by trained, multilingual assistance personnel who can evaluate, troubleshoot and make immediate recommendations for any emergency, including referrals to qualified doctors and/or hospitals.
  • Medical Monitoring 
    Assist America maintains regular communication with patients, their families and attending medical staff, closely monitoring the quality and course of treatment.
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation 
    If a member becomes ill or injured in an area of the globe where an adequate medical facility is not available near the member, we will arrange to transport the member under medical supervision if required, to the nearest medical facility capable of providing the required care.
  • Foreign Hospital Admission Assistance 
    Assist America fosters prompt hospital admission by validating the member’s health insurance or advancing funds as needed to the hospital. Advances must be repaid within 45 days.
  • Medical Repatriation 
    When a member has been stabilized to the satisfaction of Assist America’s consulting physicians and medical transport evaluators together with the attending physician and can travel by commercial carrier, we will arrange transportation back home or to a rehabilitation facility proximate to the members home address, under medical supervision, if required.
  • Prescription Assistance 
    If a member forgets or loses a prescription while traveling, Assist America works with the member’s physician and a pharmacy in the area of travel to replace the medicine. Member is responsible for cost of prescription.
  • Return of Mortal Remains 
    In the unfortunate event that a member passes away while traveling, Assist America will arrange and pay for the transportation to bring the mortal remains home.
  • Compassionate Visit 
    Assist America will arrange and pay for a family member or a friend to join a member who is traveling alone and is expected to be hospitalized for more than seven days.
  • Care of Minor Children 
    If an injured member has minor children left unattended, Assist America will pay for them to return home via one-way economy airfare to a family member, with or without attendent, as needed.
  • Legal and Interpreter Referrals 
    Assist America can recommend trustworthy legal counsel and interpreter services in any country. Bail bonds can be coordinated in jurisdictions where they are legal.
  • Lost Luggage and Document Assistance 
    Assist America works with airlines to recover lost bags and replace lost travel tickets. We contact necessary agencies to solve issues of lost passports and other documents.
  • Pre-Trip Information 
    Members can review country profiles, visa requirements, immunization regulations, security advisories directly from the Assist America website and Mobile App.
  • Mobile App Services
    Assist America offers Mobile App services including electronic membership cards, “TAP FOR HELP” calling feature, embassy and consulate locator, service descriptions, pre-trip information and Assist Alerts.
This list offers a general overview of our services. The specific services provided by your plan and applicable to you, may vary from this description.  For the description of services that apply to you, please review the description of services provided by your plan administrator or consult with your plan administrator or contact Assist America directly.

We also offer The Traveler newsletter to keep you informed about the latest travel-related news and Assist Alerts on urgent global situations that may impact your travel plans.

This list offers a general overview of our services. The specific services provided by your plan may vary somewhat from these, so be sure to consult the information provided by your plan administrator for the details of your coverage.