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AssistAlert: Mexico City Civil Society Protest

Assist Alert: Mexico City Civil Society Protest

AssistAlert: Mexico City National Demonstration

A mass march has been announced to take place on February 26th by activists in defense of the INE, the National Electoral Institute of Plan "B" of the Electoral Reform of the President of Mexico. This is the second march of this nature to take place with the first having occurred on November 13th of last year. 

In an official statement, it was reported that about 117 civil society organizations from at least 82 Mexican cities were invited to participate in this Sunday's upcoming demonstrations. While the first protest was successful in achieving the first constitutional reform, opposition of the movement approved  "Plan B" legislation intended to negate the changes instituted by the proposed reform. 

"Plan B disintegrates the legislative changes  made by the reform, disregarding the consensus of other political parties and flagrantly violating the Constitution", the statement reports. The organization "United for Mexico 2024" is comprised of 60 smaller civil liberties groups from across Mexico and will march under the banner "My Vote is Untouched" to defend the democracy of the INE.

Protests will begin in Mexico City at 11:00am this upcoming Sunday, February 26th, though participants will likely begin congregating around 7am. Closures will begin in the early morning of all surrounding streets.


  • Monitor local media for updates regarding the status of closures and movement of demonstrations. Check status of public transit and airports.
  • Strictly obey all official directives issues by authorities.
  • If staying within city limits, sheltering is placed is advised until demonstrations have ended.
  • Prepare an emergency bag with all necessary documentation and identification, physical currency, medications, a first aid kit, cell phone and charger, water, and emergency contact information in the event evacuation becomes necessary.

Members are encouraged to contact Assist America if travel assistance is required.



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